Thursday, September 9, 2010

Riley ~ August 2010 ~ 2 years

At Uncle Tim & Aunt Suzie's wedding....Riley decided there needed to be some he pulled the fire alarm!

Natalie ~ Six Years

Natalie wants to change her name.

She's changing it to Deb.

Natalie ~ September 2010 ~ Six Years

At the dinner table the other evening we were discussing how wild & crazy Riley is.

Jon said "Man, when he ends up in jail I'm not bailing him out!"

I sweetly said to Riley, "Aww...Mommy will bail you out honey!"

Jon replied "Over my dead body!"

I again sweetly said to Riley, "Daddy will be dead, but Mommy will bail you out honey!"

Natalie pipes in and says "If daddy's dead, will you get a new man Mommy?!"

Apparently I am not ever to be without "a man".

Nevaeh - September 2010 ~ Six Years

Nevaeh saw an Indian man doing a commercial on television the other day. He had beautiful long silky hair. She replied "Oh, wow! That man has long hair!" I replied yes, many true Indians have long hair, men & women both! She pondered this and said "What?! Indians speak English (the commercial)?!!! I thought they only went Woo-woo-woo-woo-woo!" (insert Indian pow-wow sound here)

Note to self: teach the girls about different cultures.

Natalie - August 2010 ~ Six Years

During a conversation at the dinner table about life & death, I asked the girls if they knew where people went when they died. They said Heaven. I asked where they go if they don't go to Heaven.

Natalie leaned over to her sister and with a very poigniant attitude replied "Well, they don't go to Disneyland!!"

Point taken.

Nevaeh - 9/9/10 ~ Six Years

As we were driving home from picking the girls up from school today (1st grade) I was listening to them busily tell me all about their days. There was a pause in the conversation, so I asked Nevaeh, "What else did you do today?" to which she replied "Well, I didn't necessarily do this today, but I finished it today!"

Six going on 16.....


I've decided to start this blog to keep track of all the "one liners" that the kids come up with. There are so many of them that I'm sure I'll forget as they (and myself) get here is a way to log them all!!! Enjoy!